- The membership core of BMF comprises the International Network of Engaged Buddhists (INEB), the International Movement for a Just World (JUST), Persyarikatan Muhammadiyah, Religions for Peace, and The Network for Religious and Traditional Peacemakers.
- Any expansion of this core will have to obtain the consent of all four members.
- Only organizations and other such institutional entities can join the core. Individuals will not constitute the core.
- Institutions and individuals that are not part of the core would still be part of the BMF network which will include the core members.
- Institutional and individual membership of the network will be determined on the basis of the following criteria :-
- Commitment to inter-faith dialogue and interaction — especially its Buddhist-Muslim dimension — demonstrated through writings, speeches and activities over a period of time.
- Willingness to enhance inter-faith dialogue in general and Buddhist-Muslim dialogue in particular through meaningful participation in BMF programmes and other relevant initiatives.
- The BMF core, acting unanimously, will be the final decision-maker on network membership.
- A network member can participate actively in all BMF programmes and will be kept informed of all developments pertaining to BMF.
- A network member may be requested to represent BMF in programmes and activities organized by other bodies.
- A network member, whether institutional or individual, could be requested by the core to leave the network if its/ her activities are grossly detrimental to the cause of inter-faith dialogue.
- For the time being, there is no membership fee whatsoever though network members are encouraged to donate to BMF with the aim of strengthening its financial base.